Wednesday, 18 December 2013

I got meningitis yo.

Greetings earthlings,

As you may have noticed, I have not a written a blog post  here on Planet Lo in a long time.
There are two reasons for this. Number One- I had blogger's block, I simply couldn't think of anything to write about. Number Two? I got meningitis. Yup, the ole meninges got inflammed and knocked me for six.

How did I get meningitis? I have no idea. But someone obviously wanted me dead, I'm watching you all...
To put it simply, I woke up in the middle of the night with the worst headache imaginable and persisted to vomit continuously.(lovely I know)....the rest is history. But thankfully, 8 weeks later I am finally back to myself, and ready to blog! (Thanks to my wonderful Mother and the hospital staff!)
I wasn't sure what picture to put with this I put one of my face? Proof I'm alive I guess? Oh, and I got new specs. 

If you've stuck around all this time then thank you! If new to Planet Lo then welcome!

Sickness aside, I have some news for ye!---Planet Lo will be getting a major makeover in January and I'm so excited for you all to see it. I also have some other very exciting news that I can't wait to share with ye! All will be revealed in January.  

On a serious note, meningitis is quite a serious illness, early detection is key, it is very important to know the signs. Click HERE to visit the ACT(an Irish meningitis prevention organisation) webpage to learn about the signs and symptoms.
I'll be back soon with a new post :) 

Stay classy, 

L xx

Monday, 1 July 2013

20 Things to do before you turn 20

Greetings earthlings,

As usual, I shall start things of with me apologizing for being so bad at this whole blogging thing. I'm sorry for my absence of late. A combination of work, wisdom teeth extraction, writer's block and general laziness saw me abandoning you all. This won't happen again I promise!

I turned 19 on the 27th of May. I've only one year left of being a teenager and I plan to make it a good one! Although to be honest I'm not dreading turning 20 next year as I'm just happy to be alive! I think birthdays should always be seen as a great thing no matter what age you are. However I do get it. I get that birthday especially the one that marks the end of your teenage years can be upsetting. I think the reason people can get bit upset at birthdays is because they start to think of all the things they want to accomplish but still haven't.
That's why I'm going to set myself the '20 Things to do before you turn 20' challenge. This way, although there will still be a lot of things left that I want to do I will have at least 20 to appreciate.

 Me as a young Spring chicken and me now just after I turned 19. Apologises to my friend Annie who I rudely cropped out of the pic!

Because it's my last year of being a teenager I want to make sure I set myself some fun things to do. That said, I need to throw in a few 'grown up' accomplishments so that when I turn 20 I'm not absolutely terrified of being an actual adult in the real world.

I will of course be documenting each of these tasks right here on Planet Lo so you can all follow my journey.
Are you facing your last year as a teen? Your first? Maybe the last year of your 20's, 30's.40's? Whatever the age, it doesn't matter, everyone can benefit from setting themselves tasks for the year ahead. So if you're up for it, do it! Make a list of things you've always wanted to do-and do them! Follow me on twitter at @PLANETLO1and let me know how you're getting on with a tweet or with a pic! Or you can leave a comment right here on Planet Lo.

I'll be doing one of these tasks roughly every two weeks, depending on the task in question. I will be adding to this 20 Things To Do Before You Turn 20 series every second Sunday on Planet Lo.Finally, a bit of direction!  In between these posts you can expect my general waffle, but hopefully I can develop more of a genre. We'll have to wait and see!
Thanks for stopping by :)

Stay classy,

L xx

 Me as a young spring chicken and me shortly after I turned 19. Apologizes to my friend Annie who I rudely cropped out! Hopefully I won't have aged so drastically in my 20th birthday pic!

Thursday, 27 June 2013

In which I am a useless blogger.

Greetings earthlings,

To those of you that are loyal enough to have stuck it out long enough to read this post: THANK YOU. Also, I am VERY sorry. My absence has been a very poor performance on my part. I fear that a  useless blogger is what I have become. I abandoned ye for weeks with no explanation. There isn't even a picture to accompany this post. That's how useless I've become. 


The exciting news is that Planet Lo will soon have it's very own URL! Also, I will be announcing a beauty giveaway once  I return as I feel I owe it to ye all to do something nice. I will be back soon and hopefully Planet Lo will be better than ever. Please bare with me another few days, you've lasted this long! 

Stay classy,
Who am I to tell you to say classy? No one really. Heck I just abandoned you all for weeks. But still, it never hurts to be classy. 

L xx

Tuesday, 7 May 2013

Homegrown and chemical free


Greetings earthlings, 

I come to you today with some top quality music. The reason I wanted to share this music with you all is because it is music by two Irish bands from Galway (where I live).
I think its important to support your fellow people in their pursuits wherever you may be from.
Also, I know a lad in each of the bands so really I'm just fishing for brownie points here.

First up is  Rofi James 

Rofi James is made up of Ronan Flaherty, Jamie Murray and Evan Maloney.

Formed in 2012 the three lads have a unique sound, the drum box played by Jamie Murray in particular sets them apart from other bands. They're messers which make their live performances great fun, definitely no lack of energy from Rofi James. If you're lucky enough you might even catch them tucking into a post gig kebab up town in Galway at 2am.
Click here to listen to their new single Love Shot on youtube or here to listen to it on Spotify.
 Love Shot is now available to buy on iTunes.

The lads are also great at promoting the Irish language.
 Check out one of their songs through Irish here

It's a super catchy tune so make sure to check it out!
Also, check out their facebook page here

Next up is  Fellow Strangers 

Fellow Strangers is made up of Ado Lyons, Wayne Foy and Mike Burke.

Think Mumford and Sons mixed with Passenger and you get these guys. They were formed during the Summer of 2012 so although they're still new to the game their top quality vocals along with brilliant song writing makes them a must have for your ipod. What I like about these guys is that they don't know how good they are. Mind you, that may change! ;)
They're currently working on their debut EP and are hoping to have it ready by the end of the Summer.
Here's a taster of their music

Click here to listen to the lads live in Galway

Click here to listen to their song Julia.

Check out their facebook page here

Both of these band are made up of normal, unassuming talented guys. They're not manufactured bands they're 100% homegrown and do their own thing completely. Simon Cowell only wishes they were his puppets.

Now when the lads hit the big time you can be a hipster and claim you knew them way back when ;)
You're welcome.

Stay classy,  


PS- That isn't Fellow Strangers actual logo up at the top. The picture is the same but the font they used is much nicer. I messed up the photo when I imported it and couldn't get their font to fit in so had to but in my own ugly one, my bad.

Monday, 6 May 2013

April Favourites :)

Greetings earthlings,

Ok so I've read a lot of these monthly favourites blog posts and I like them. That said, there is one thing about them that really annoys me. The cost of their content.

Yes, we would all like to have enough money to buy  tons of expensive make up clothes and anything else we fancy but in most people's case this is not realistic. sure know that in my case it is not. After reading these posts I ended up feeling jealous and bitter. Bringing me right back to my toddler days.

Because of this I have decided to start an affordable monthly favourites post every month(obviously).

I have decided not to put anything that cose over 15 euro in the post. And even better, some of the things are free!

So without further adue here are some of my favourite things from April! :

Beauty Products  

1. Rimmel BB Cream (8.75 in Boots)

I know, I know, I'm late hopping on the BB cream bandwagon, oh well at least I finally got on!
I love this stuff. Its feels really light on my skin which I love. It's not amazing with regards coverage but I find that if I use a bit of concealer before hand my skin looks perfect when I put the BB cream on.

2. Ted Baker Body Spray (7 euro in Boots) 

I love perfume but they are way overpriced in my opinion. If I ever do have a perfume I like to save it for special occasions and go with a body spray for everyday use. I love smelling nice and this stuff smells great. I'm always concious of the two things few people are going to tell you: That you smell bad or that you have smelly breath. This is why I am always covered in body spray and chewing gum.

3. John Frieda Frizz-Ease Daily Miracle Treatment- part of a 2 for 10 euro deal in Boots.  

I've been looking for a hair product that will protect my hair from the hear aswell as nourishing it and controlling frizz. This is it. It does exactly what it says on the tin. I've been putting in my hair while its still damp and I've really noticed an improvement in the condition of my hair.

Tv show 

I recently started watching Sherlock on dvd(its broadcast on BBC) and I fell in love with it. As the name suggests, its a show about a detective. I am usually too much of a scardey cat to watch anything that isn't ridiculously light hearted so I'm quite proud of myself that I enjoy Sherlock. The script is extremely well written. The storylines are great and I found myself on the counch with my sister screaming our plot guesses at the television. We were of course, wrong every time.


Along came a stork by Marisa Mackle.
I got this book for 5 euro in Dunnes Stores and haven't looked back since.
I've been trying to ease myself back into reading and this is the perfect easy read to do just that. The storyline is as the title suggests, its a bit ridiculous and predictable but thats excatly why I love it. Its set in Ireland which makes it hilarious to read. I like to support Irish writers if I can so I'm happy to buy and recommend this book.


Technically this isn't a food, its a drink. I titled this category food as opposed to drink because I thought if you saw drink you would think I'd be naming my favourite alcoholic beverage of the month. Which I shall not, as I know that all of you are not over eighteen and I do not want to receive any emails from angry parents blaming me for their childs downward spiral into the world of alcoholism because I introduced them to some sweet spirits! Wow that was a long winded introduction to Green Tea. Yes, that is my favourite drink at the moment. But just the one with Lemon and Echinacea, the other one is vile.


I've been listening to a lot of music recently so I've decided to pick three songs. I've been really into remixes of late which is odd as I used to hate them. Yay for growing as a person.

Here are the songs I've been loving this month. (click on the song title to listen to them)

Destiny's Child Say My Name Remix

Passion Pit-Carried Away

Rihanna Stay Remix

I have decided to save the best for last.... 

Hottie Of The Month  

Sorry but I couldn't not include this category.
My hottie of the month for April is Zac Efron.
Zac has grown up gooood.
Feast yer eyes.

Sorry this post was so long, if you managed to get this far, thank you!

Stay classy, 

L xx

Friday, 26 April 2013

Spurhaaaang Buhraaaakeeers

Greetings earthlings,

I went to the cinema recently. I went to the cinema recently and came out wishing I hadn't gone to the cinema. Why? Because I saw Harmony Korine's latest movie Spring Breakers, or as James Franco's character Alien likes to call it 'Spurhaaang Buhraaaakers'.

I'm not going to lie, the only reason I went to see this movie is because Selena Gomez was in it. Seeing as I was 15 years old in 2009, all things Disney Channel related run deep in my veins. As cheesy a channel as it is, myself Miley, Selena and The Jonas Brothers go way too far back for me to ignore them now.

This movie was labelled Selena's 'breakout movie' in which she would shed her 'Disney good-girl' image once and for all. Irioncally, Selena ended up being the good girl in her group of friends in the movie. Although she did smoke joints and drink underage, her antics still didn't compare to those of the people around her.

So why did I not enjoy this movie? Quite frankly I think one would need to be high to enjoy this movie properly. Perhaps, that was the director(Harmony Korine)'s intention. God knows his repetoire would allow it.

Basically, I didn't enjoy the editing done on this movie at all. The chance from shot to shoty was extremely choppy and distracting. For the first 10 minutes or so my friend and I exchanged confused glances as if to say 'are you seeing what I'm seeing?'. Eventually we had discuss what was happening and we came to the conclusion 'it will probably cut to normal scenes soon?'. Alas, it did not. It stayed in trippy mode for the entire movie. Whilst we had the bravery to sit it out for its entirety, not everyone around us did. About half way through we saw a man in his 50's leave. Then, about 3/4 of the way through we saw a woman in her 30's leave. I only wish I had had their sense.

Not only was the editing and the portrayal of the movie itself offputting but the storyline was shocking. Fair enough, make a movie about a few college girls going crazy on Spring Break but at least make it light hearted and easy to watch. What I had to sit through was like The Da Vinci code of Spring Break movies. The ending really annoyed me. It was like someone had forgotten to type the second half of the script. There was no real climax to the movie it seemed to just be the one concept stretched out for an hour and a half.

The acting was grand. James Franco was too good if anything, I was certain his creepy character was following me home whispering 'Spurhaaang Buhraaakers' in my ear. Selena was good too in fairness, then again with a face like that she could have the script in her hand for the entire movie and no one would care. Dare I say it, I'm not even sure if Vanessa Hudgens was acting. Those of you who have seen the movie will know that this is not a compliment. The other two main girls were pretty bland and forgettable, hence me not being able to remember their names.

I'm sorry that this post has been so negative and hey maybe some of you really enjoyed the movie. If you did, I take my hat off to you! I also urge you to seek help for your drug use.

All in all, I would not advise you to go see this movie. Unless you enjoy looking at topless women, in which case go for it, you will not be disappointed..

And on that note, I'm off to watch Love Actually for the 45th time.

Stay classy,


Let's be twitter friends xx

Wednesday, 17 April 2013

Happy Birthday Lily Mae

Greetings earthlings, 

For those of you that have read my post  'In which a four year old teaches me how to live' (click here to read it)' you'll know who Lily Mae is. Lily Mae Morrison was diagnosed with Stage Four Neuroblastoma(a rare childhood cancer) in June 2012. 

Lily Mae has bravely fought a war very few of us would be brave enough to face. But enough about cancer, today is not about cancer. Today is about Lily Mae and the 5 years she has lived. In these five years she has achieved more than most of us can ever dream to. She has inspired a nation and thought us the true meaning of courage. 

Lily Mae has taught me to appreciate life, I will always be grateful for this gift from this little legend. 

Lily Mae, I hope you have the happy birthday you deserve and many, many more after this one. Hope you like the purple writing and the dinosaur train cake!

Sunday, 14 April 2013

CHRIStian guilt??

Greetings earthlings,  

Today's ramblings shall revolve around the following two words: Chris Brown.
The infamous Singer, Dancer and of course......girlfriend beater.

I have recently found myself listening to, and dare I say it, enjoying his music. There's only one problem: the guilt. Is this the so-called Christian guilt catching up on me?  Everytime I listen to his music the little angel on my shoulder reminds me what he has done and that I shouldn't be supporting that kind of man. But then the devil on my shoulder pipes in reminding me how catchy this song is and that damn, this guy can really dance.

 I'm pretty much obsessed with his latest single Fine China. The ode to MJ in both the music and the dancing had me hooked instantly.

Should I forgive and forget as Riri has done or should I forever hold it against him and boycott his every move?

This my friends, is my predicament.
He claims he was young, arrogant and hot tempered(obviously) at the time and that he has since become a more humble man. I'd like to believe this but I can't help but think that all his handlers etc have fed him these lines to say in a bid to clean up his image. But then again, maybe he himself really does want to clean up his image, for the right reasons.

Its so very hard to know, and I guess I never will! Unless I somehow find myself in a situation where I get to be a friend of Chris Brown's and get to know him properly. Who knows, maybe if you all keep reading my ramblings here on Planet Lo that may just be the case!

What do you think of Chris Brown? Have you forgiven and forgotten?
Click here to listen to Fine China and let me know what you think of it. :)

Stay classy,


ps- My college exams start tomorrow. If I fail, I'll blame ye all xx

Let's be twitter friends xx

Tuesday, 9 April 2013

We've been nominated!!

Greetings earthlings,

Apparently we've been nominated for a Student Media award?!
I say 'we' because I like to think of us all as some weird little clan, without whom I would have long ago stopped writing this blog.

Planet Lo has been nominated in the People's Choice Category, the only category where the public pick the winner. Ok so here's where I need yer help: I need you to vote please. 
Here's the link to vote:

Voting closes at 5pm tomorrow April 10th

You have to register with the website to vote. I know this sounds like a big ask but in reality it only takes a minute or two. I will be eternally grateful if my earthlings come through for me and vote! Winning this could really help get more people to join our weird clan, the more the merrier right?!

Sorry for the begging, now go vote!(please!) ;)
I'll buy you all a big bar of chocolate if we win.

Stay classy,


Friday, 5 April 2013


Greetings earthlings,

I don't like hipsters. Then again, nobody likes hipsters, even hipsters don't like hipsters. Why am I talking about hipsters? Because what I'm about to write is very 'hipsteresque'. I promise this won't happen again but it has to be done, just this once.

I have liked the band Bastille for way longer than most people. There, I said it.

I'm not normally like this when it comes to music but when it comes to Bastille I'm oddly protective of them. I first discovered them last Summer when I saw someone retweet something about them on Twitter. I decided to check them out and I've been hooked ever since. 

The first song of theirs I listened to was 'Overjoyed'. Its definietly still one of my favourites. 
Weird as it may sound I felt like I had a private relationship with Bastille. They were never played on any of my local radio stations and my friends never discussed them. It was just me and my boys. 

Things however, have changed. With the release of their latest song Pompeii they boys have been catapulted to stardom. Although I am happy for them I feel like our private relationship has ended. Pompeii is constantly being played on radios, something that kills me inside. 

I know they don't belong to me and that they don't even know I exist but I can't help it, I wanted them all to myself. If I were to look at myself I would hate myself, I hate people like this, but alas I can't help it.

On the bright side, they're more likely to do more concerts now so hopefully I'll get to see them. 

If you are one of the few that are yet to hear of Bastille here's a taster of their excellence

Click here to listen to Overjoyed 

Click here to listen to Pompeii   

I hope you've enjoyed this insight into the very talented Bastille if you had never heard of them before this. 
If you think after reading this that I'm an annoying wannabe hipster, you're right, I am. However I plan on coming out the other side of this phase soon. 

Stay classy
L xx

A bonus treat:  Overjoyed Acapella 

Thursday, 4 April 2013

What if Facebook died tomorrow?

Greetings earthlings, 

Ever heard of a website called

Facebook has changed the world. It has over 1 billion users and it's creator Mark Zucerbeurg became the world's youngest billionaire at only 24. For many of us, its hard to imagine life without facebook. Right now, I have my trusty facebook tab going on my laptop. Its another world on facebook. We can now socialise from the comfort of our bedroom, regardless of the state of appearance. But the question is, is it really socializing? Are people really themselves or is it nothing more than a hub for alter egos and their photoshopped photos?

What do you think would happen in Facebook died tomorrow? The apocalypse? World War 3? Possible, but  the most likely answer is tears, lots of tears.

Tears from 13 year old girls whose lives no longer seem to have a purpose, tears from the guy who runs the 'Humans Of New York' facebook page and tears of joy from those of us who no longer have to socialize because the only point of a night out was for the facebook pictures. Wow that was a long sentence.

A visual representation of a teenager after  discovering that facebook is gone..

I often wonder how long facebook will last for, will we all still be using it in 10 years? I think the thing I would miss the most if facebook died tomorrow is the photos. Not the embarrassing nightclub ones(although I will be glad to have them in years to come when I look even worse) but the cute one of your cousin's baby or of your family in America. I'll miss people sharing their lives. What I won't miss is people over-sharing their lives. The phrase 'it's facebook not your diary' comes to mind.

Here's a weird thought: will we still be on facebook when our kids are? At the moment most of my friends have to block their parents on weird will it be if we have to block our kids?!

I at least hope facebook lasts for the rest of my college career. Considering thats only two years, I'm not worried.

Unsure whether you'd be upset if facebook died tomorrow? I guarantee you if deactivate your account for 24 hours you'll know pretty quickly how much you'd miss it!

I deactivated my facebook for a few days before my exams two years ago.....they were the longest few days of my life. I felt there was a hole in my life. Sad, but true. I found myself with so much spare time. An actual chance to be productive? Could it be? Alas, I was not productive. I spent my new-found spare time thinking of all the 'fun' everyone else was having on facebook while I was stuck at home, social network-less.
Talk about first world problems.

Comment below if you've ever deactivated your facebook, let me know if your experience was as bad as mine!

Stay classy

L xx

Friday, 22 March 2013

25 Facts About Me

Greetings earthlings,

Apparently it is a 'thing' amongst bloggers at the moment to write a '25 Facts About Me' post so I decided I'd hop on the bandwagon. Also, I shall once again apologise for my lack of posts over the past few weeks. Turns out the whole 'college' thing can actually take up quite a lot of one's time! Fear not, I finish lectures next week and then I'm all yours! So without further a due, here are 25 facts about me :)
 (I've included a photo of me and a drawing I did recently because I don't want to photo-less post!)

1. I hate bananas.
I'm sorry to start this list on a negative note but I can barely put into words how much I hate bananas. I hate everything about them.If we're going to be friends earthlings you need to know this.  Although my Mother claims she fed me bananas as a baby I have no recollection of ever consuming one and she has no evidence to back up such an accusation.

2. I love the smell of petrol.

3. I have green eyes.(sometimes, other days they're grey or blue) 

4. I can appear shy when I first meet people but after a while I warm up to them and they soon realise I am in fact, insane.

5. I have a collection of thousands of contact lense cases that I began collecting when I was 11. I'll put them to good use someday..

6. I love the fact that the Harry Potter books are always around if I ever feel like nipping into Hogwarts.

7. I'm doing my college course through Irish.

8. I can't wait to have kids. (Not for many years though!)

9. The sun makes me really happy.

10. I used to have a terrible phobia of dogs but now I love them.

11. I don't sing in the shower, I perform.

12. I'm hoping to get my first car this Summer and am extremely excited about it!

13. I'm rarely seen without a bottle of water on my person.

14. I love Gilmore Girls, and I mean love.

15. I saw Coldplay at a music festival in 2011 and spent the entire concert screaming at them to stop playing. (I was severely dehydrated, among other things.)

16. I love to draw. 

17. Disney movies are my game, to be forever young my aim.

18. I have enough hair on my head for about 4 people, this can be good and bad.

19. I'm blind as a bat and can't leave my bedroom without glasses or contact lenses.

20. I'm an over-thinker. Something which I hate and have been trying to put an end to.

21. I did ballet dancing for 13 years and its  still something I love.

22. I have 52 first cousins, its fantastic and means I'm never stuck for a friend.

23. I sit on a bus for an hour and 15 minutes every morning to get to college.

24. I've recently started watching the BBC programme Sherlock and I'm hooked.

25. I've recently tried to stop 'bitching' about people and have discovered it makes life a lot nicer.

Well, that's that! 
I hope you enjoyed this post and feel you have gotten to know me a bit better. I will be back soon with something of more substance.

Stay classy,


Click here to be my twitter friend xx

Tuesday, 19 February 2013

Diet Coke Detox

Palms are sweaty, knees weak, arms are heavy...I haven't had a drop of diet coke in over two weeks.

Greetings earthlings, 

After finding myself guzzling the stuff on a daily basis and being pretty sure I'd bleed diet coke if I got a cut, I decided enough was enough. But my God was it hard. There are no nicorette patches for diet coke addicts, nothing but willpower and sparkling water.

Seeing as I don't drink coffee or tea I was dependent on diet coke for my caffeine intake. Any student knows that caffeine is right up there with oxygen when it comes to essentials. Because of the lack of caffeine once I stopped drinking it I was experiencing what I describe as 'guinea pig' headaches. Imagine a guinea pig is shoved into where your brain is supposed to be and it continuously jumps up and down. This is what a 'guinea pig' headache feels like. Why I choose a guinea pig I know not, but what I do know is that they hurt, a lot.

Another withdrawal symptom, the one that would probably be the most obvious to the on looker is crabbiness.
I was so knarky, everything and everyone annoyed me. Imagine a cheese grater grating on your bones, that is the way I felt about everything.
Why did I subject myself to these withdrawal symptons? Two words- kidney, failure. My sister had been reminding me of the ill effects of diet coke to your health, which include kidney failure. I guess it makes sense, I was pumping this sweetened posion into me and asking my poor body to make sense of it. Something it can do for only so long.

A knarky bull, sounds pretty rough right? It is. But, it gets better. After about 5 days I felt much better. However, getting through those five days is a lot easier said than done. Because of the headaches involved it can be a lot easier to knock a can of the good stuff back to ease your pain, after all, you have a life. This may be the tempting choice to make but if you suffer the withdrawal you will soon get to enjoy your new life post-diet coke.

Suddenly, the cravings are gone. The urge to run to the nearest shop and get ripped off for a bottle of the stuff are gone. And one of the worst things, the sugar cravings, are gone. I had heard that diet coke made you fat, I never believed this. I never believed this cause I used think 'how can a drink with only three calories in a 500ml bottle make you fat?!' Plot twist: its not the diet coke that makes you fat, its the sugar it makes you crave that makes you fat. Its only after giving it up that I realized how true this was. I used to crave sugar non-stop. I used choose a packet of jelly tots over a proper dinner, normal food just didn't appeal to me. Now however, I don't find myself wanting sugar has as much. Suddenly I want normal food, I even found myself sitting down eating an apple yesterday, something that would have been previously unheard of. I now find that sweets make me feel sick, I feel lethargic after them now so I just don't bother. Obviously I'll still have the odd treat at the weekend but on a whole what  I really want now is good food, because it make you feel good.

Another nice little bonus of life post-diet coke is the moola. I've saved so much money since I stopped buying it. I find myself opening my purse to see tenners that used to be fivers and 2 euro coins that used to be 50 cent coins, not the worst situation to be in.

Despite the fact that I am now free from my diet-coke induced aspartame and caffeine shackles, I still want the fizz. I love fizzy drinks, always have.. I blame my Mother, she craved sparkling water throughout her pregnancy with me and from day one I've wanted fizz. Don't worry, I haven't turned to Fanta or something similar to fulfill my fizz needs. I have instead turned to the miracle that is sparkling water. Whenever I want a bit of fizz I gulg back a bit of sparkling water and all is well.

For those of you that have glanced down at your ankles whilst reading this to discover that you too are wearing diet coke shackles, stop. Put the diet coke down my friends and its onwards and upwards from here.

(If you need an excuse, its lent, do it for Jesus)

Stay classy,

L xx 

Let's be twitter friends xx

Thursday, 10 January 2013

Lady in RED

Greetings earthlings,

I awoke to a text from a friend asking where my Wednesday post was! Sorry! I thought I had put this post up yesterday but apparently  I clicked save instead of publish :/  Here's yesterday's post: 

Behold: a list of men's name's:

Joe Jonas
Taylor Lautner
Luca Hill
John Mayer
Corey Monteith
Toby Hemingway
Jake Gyllenhaal
Zac Efron
Gareth Hedlund
Eddie Redmayne
Conor Kennedy
Patrick Schwarzenegger
Harry Styles

Quite a long list of good looking men yes? All these men have one thing in common: Taylor Swift.
And we're off...

First up we have Joe Jonas. Jonas and Swift dated back in good ole 2008 when Disney Stars ruled the world. Apparently Joe ended their relationship over a 30 second phone call, resulting in Taylor writing the songs 'Forever and Always' and 'Better than revenge'. Little did we know the whole post-heartbreak song writing thing would become a habit of hers....

I won't go through every relationship as this post could become very long and very boring very quickly! However a few of them need mentioning:
 Zac Efron- because he is beautiful.
Jake Gyllenhaal- because he is 10 years older than her and she managed to hang on to him for a year.
Conor Kennedy- because he is a Kennedy.
Harry Styles- because its just plain funny. Whilst Taylor has been dominating the charts, particularly in America, since she was 16, Harry has not. Hes new to the industry and the fact that he has come from your typical schoolboy to one of Taylor's men in such a short space of time is pretty impressive. He obviously practices what he preaches....he's living while he's young..

Everyone is always talking about Taylor and her tendency to write songs about her ex's.
Of course only Taylor herself can confirm whether the songs were actually written about them but sure lets just believe they were. Here are a few examples:

'Back to December'- Taylor Lautner
 'Dear John & 'I knew you were trouble'- John Mayer
'We are never ever getting back together'- Jake Gyllenhaal
and many more I'm sure!

Personally, I think people are a bit harsh when it comes to Taylor. Yes, she has had a lot of boyfriends, but whats the harm? Shes beautiful, talented and young! Even she is some 'mega slut' the annoying thing is that no one seems to criticise the guys. In general guys are never critiqued in the same way as girls when it comes to dating and relationships. Until Britney's 'Womanizer' men were getting off scott free! Its sexist and annoying!

Feminist rant over.

Despite the fact that I don't really agree with the grief shes been getting off late I definitely  think it has worked in her favour. People are talking about her non-stop, she dominates the facebook 'likes' page. You know what they say, no publicity is bad publicity!
At the end of the day shes the one that gets the last laugh:

Stay classy,

Monday, 7 January 2013

Quick Update

Greetings earthlings,

Thought I'd stop by and give you all a wee update about the 'goings-on' here on Planet Lo. I've decided we need a bit of structure around here.

  <<< Me trying to write a blog post.

As part of my good intentions for 2013 I want to commit to this blog properly. I think a schedule would help so from here on out I'll be posting (hopefully) every

Sunday, Wednesday and Friday.   

Here's hoping I can stick to it!
I hope you all had a nice Christmas and New Years :)
I'll be back on Wednesday for more ramblings.

Stay classy, 
L xx