Monday, 28 April 2014

This is what makes us girls?

Greetings earthlings, 

It's time to talk about girls. Not the humans, the tv show. The hugely popular Emmy winning tv show.  The hugely popular Bafta winning tv show. The hugely popular tv show that I had to turn off twenty minutes into the first episode.

Maybe I didn't give it a fair shot but nonetheless I'm going to proceed to excessively judge the show and it's cast based on those twenty minutes.

I won't delve too far into this one, but I have to put it out there. I don't like Lena Dunhman. I don't know her, but from what I've seen she seems pretty arrogant. That's all I'll say on the matter or I'll be here all night.

With regards the show itself I just felt it was trying too hard. The scenes between Lena's character and her boyfriend frankly just made me feel uncomfortable. I understand that the show is trying to go against the stereotypical series that involves beautiful casts and unrealistic story lines, but that's what I like. Shallow and all as it may sound, I like watching a world that's different to mine. Watching something different to your own life gives you a break from yours. Sure it's completely unrealistic and they usually consist of botoxed models in their twenties portraying teenagers, but that's what makes it, for me anyway. I get that Girls perhaps sends out a better image to young girls with regards body image etc and that's important but I'd still rather watch  the shallow nonsense that makes me feel like I've escaped my own reality, not something that reminds me of the struggles of being a hopeless youth strapped for cash.

Despite my views, the show is a mega success and I can't deny that. Maybe I'm seeing sense and the rest of the world has gone crazy. Of maybe in the run up to the end of my teenage years I've turned into a cranky syndic. Either way, I still turned off the tv after twenty minutes, and I guess I thought you should know.

Stay classy,

L xx

Thursday, 24 April 2014

The One When I Come Back

Greetings earthlings,

Once again, I have failed you. Are you sick of hearing that from me? I know I am. I have no real excuse, I was just lazy. However, I am back, and this time for real!! I can actually say that and mean it now because I have a lot of posts written and ready to upload. I've tried to make them good ones tomake up for lost time. As you may have noticed, Planet Lo has gotten a glamourous makeover! I'm really excited about it and hope it makes it a bit easier for you to navigate your way around the blog :)
For those of you that are interested, here is  my new schedule for this here blog named Planet Lo:

My Mondays- On Monday's I'll be writing about anything that I feel like. From lifestyle to beauty, it'll be a (hopefully interesting and entertainig) stream of conciousness of mine for you all to read.

Thursday TunesEvery Thursday I'll  be uploading a list of songs that I'm liking at the moment and a bit of info about them. It's a small feature but hopefully it'll help introduce you to music you may not be familiar with already.

Freaky FridayThis is a feature I'm very excited about. It involves collaborating with a fellow blogger. It won't be up and running for a few weeks yet. I'll let you know more closer to the time, watch this space!

Sundays- My week in pictures. Sunday's will be a quick recap of my week in pictures so you can see what I've been up to :) (This one will start this Sunday week-May 4th)

Here's hoping I manage to stick to this schedule!

If you have any ideas/ comments just send them my way.

Stay classy