Lets talk about hair.
I have alot of hair. One of the most frequently asked questions i receive is 'do you wear hair extensions?' the answer is no, im way too poor, and lazy. I have to admit, im really lucky with my hair, ive plenty of it and its pretty well behaved.
However, i didn't always have such a happy relationship with it!
It used to drive me CRAZY.
It was defintley a source of constant stress in my life, i used to feel overwhelmed by it, i just couldn't control it!
Thankfully, i have since mastered how to take care of it properly.
My hair and i sat down and had a long talk about it. I now realise what it needs to stay healthy and what products it does and doesn't like. Thank god for DMC's.
Less is more. This is so true to when it comes to caring for your hair.
When i was about 15 i used to buy every hair product going, i'd have shampoo, conditioner, masks, oils, serums, sprays, you name it, i had it.
You'd think that the use of all these products would result in film star hair, the reality is infact quite the opposite. I ended up having hair that looked greasy and sticky 20 minutes after washing it. I put way too many different products in at once and it become a hot mess.
My haircare routine:
I use 3 products to take care of my hair.
1. Head and Shoulders(Citrus Fresh) Shampoo 3 or 4 euro,Dunnes Stores
I love this shampoo. It leaves my hair feeling really really fresh and clean. I used to use different Loreal and TreSemme shampoos but i find this the best at actually cleaning my hair. I used to find sometimes that other shampoos left a bit of residue on my scalp and hair, head and shoulders just gives it a good ole clean and will also keep any unwanted dandruff at bay! At the moment im using the Citrus Fresh version, it says on it thats its for greasy hair so it really does clean it really well.
2. Mane'n Tail-Deep Moisturizing-Conditioner-8.95(euro)availble in most Irish pharmacies
I will be the first to admit it, the main reason i bought this brand is because Will Ferrel's character in Blade Of Glory uses it. He has good taste, its brilliant. I've only had this conditioner for about 2 weeks but its already my favourite. My hair feels stronger and is definitely softer after only 2 weeks usage. I bought the deep moisturizing(thats how they spell it) one because the ends of my hair can sometimes become a bit dry because its so long. They have a regular conditioner thats about 2 euro cheaper than this one. This one is a bit pricey but the great thing about this conditioner is that i know it will last aaaages. I've only been using teeny tiny amounts and it does the job perfectly. I'd defo recommend this one because its so good, and you gotta admit, its pretty fun to be using 'horse conditioner' hehe.
3.L'oréal Smooth Essence light-weight protection cream-most hairdressers or ebay, about 22-25 euro
I know what you're thinking, that is way too expensive! Fear not this bottle will last you AT LEAST 6 months, and thats presuming you use frequently. My sister introduced me to this product. This product is so good for calming hair down. All you need to do is run a blob of through the mid-ends of your hair(when its wet,before you dry it) and your hair will behave really well. It says on the bottle 'for fine hair' but i have really thick hair and it works really well on mine! It helps control frizz, flyaways, and it protects your hair from heat damage.
I use these three products, then stick my head upside and blast it with the hairdryer, lifes too short for proper blow-drying. I normally dry it until the roots are dry and the rest is about half dry. I then clip back the front, stick the rest in a massive bun on top of my head and let nature work its magic for the rest of the day. I usually wash it in the morning cause it takes an age to dry fully!
Another thing i find great on my hair is a big plastic wide toothed comb, brilliant for combing my hair out after the shower and apparently they do less damage to wet hair then a regular hairbrush. I think i got mine for about 2 euro in a pharmacy.
For when your hair needs some extra TLC:
For those of you that have never seen/heard of it, this my friends is Bearna Natural Care's 100% Argan Oil. Any of you Irish readers may be familiar with Bearna, its an area of Galway. The founder of Bearna Natural Care hails from Bearna.
This oil is like 50ml of magic.
Yes 50ml is not alot but I got a bottle for Christmas and it lasted me months.
When your hair is need of some extra TLC this is the stuff for you. Rub a few drops in the end of your hair, leave for 20 mins, then wash it out before shampooing. It will leave your hair feeling stronger and much softer.
If you don't fancy that you can put a few drops on dry hair as a serum to calm frizz and flyaways, just make sure its only a few drops or your hair will seem greasy.
Apart from hair this oil is brilliant for preventing and helping to reduce the appearance of stretch marks, those niggly little lines won't know what him em!
Lots of cosmetic companies are coming out with hair oils these days, some of them even call themselves Argan Oil yet they only contain a tiny percentage of actual Argan Oil.
Bearna Natural Care's Argan Oil is the only one that is 100% legit argan oil, imported directly from Morrocco and bottled in Galway, Ireland.
It provides employment in Morocco(its 100% fairtrade) aswell as here in Ireland, so go on,
buy it!
Its availble in Evergreen Healthfood stores throughout Ireland or if you don't live in Ireland you can get it online by clicking here
I will now show you some pics of my hair on an average day, i took this pic today, i washed my hair yesterday so this is what it generally looks like after those 3 products, the wide toothed comb and my head stuck upside down in front of the hairdryer. Apologises for their 'im a 14 year old taking a new profile photo for fb' appearance, forget my expression and the arm reaching out to hold the camera, focus on the hair.Oh and apologises also for the fact that i have so much hair i couldn't fit the top of my head in the photo without cutting off half my hair, the very ends aren't even visible still, maybe i should get a haircut...
Its not ideal but its not too bad for everyday hair? God that makes me sound pompous, don't worry people i may have gotten the hair gene but trust me, i got the cankle one too.
Heres a photo of my hair tyed up in a ponytail, cause you were so wondering what that looked like!...
Stay classy,
And yes, i did steal the title of this post from an Aussie shampoo bottle.
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