Once again, I have failed you. Are you sick of hearing that from me? I know I am. I have no real excuse, I was just lazy. However, I am back, and this time for real!! I can actually say that and mean it now because I have a lot of posts written and ready to upload. I've tried to make them good ones tomake up for lost time. As you may have noticed, Planet Lo has gotten a glamourous makeover! I'm really excited about it and hope it makes it a bit easier for you to navigate your way around the blog :)
For those of you that are interested, here is my new schedule for this here blog named Planet Lo:
My Mondays- On Monday's I'll be writing about anything that I feel like. From lifestyle to beauty, it'll be a (hopefully interesting and entertainig) stream of conciousness of mine for you all to read.
Thursday Tunes- Every Thursday I'll be uploading a list of songs that I'm liking at the moment and a bit of info about them. It's a small feature but hopefully it'll help introduce you to music you may not be familiar with already.
Freaky Friday- This is a feature I'm very excited about. It involves collaborating with a fellow blogger. It won't be up and running for a few weeks yet. I'll let you know more closer to the time, watch this space!
Sundays- My week in pictures. Sunday's will be a quick recap of my week in pictures so you can see what I've been up to :) (This one will start this Sunday week-May 4th)
Here's hoping I manage to stick to this schedule!
If you have any ideas/ comments just send them my way.
Stay classy
Stay classy

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