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Saturday, 13 October 2012
Justin Bieber's publicity stunt-Clever or just plain attention seeking?
I just read an article on the dailymail website about Justin Bieber's latest publicity stunt....what do i make of it? I honestly can't decide.
What did he do?
Basically the Biebs posted a few tweets pretending that he had his laptop and camera stolen, resulting in the loss of personal footage.
Im guessing a few Bielebers where concerned when they saw these tweets, but lets face it, they were all probably dying to get a look at his personal footage, maybe hoping for a sneak peek of the unedited, behind the scenes life of Bieber.
'Since i was 14 i have had a lot of things said about me, from dying, to taking hormones, to dying again, to stuff about my family… to saying i had a baby with a woman i never even met,nude pics, drugs, my family, my character…but today…today i get to be in on it' This was Bieber telling everyone the whole thing was a hoax, via twitter. He posted a link to his new music video 'Beauty and a Beast ft Nicki Minaj' alongside this tweet.
Is he proving a point to us by doing this?
Maybe he's proving to everyone that there are way too many rumours made up about him, and that way too many people believe these rumours.
Fair enough he has a point but it just seems a tad self obsessed to go to such measures to prove a point about yourself. Every celebrity has rumours made up about them, it comes with being in the public eye. I just think it was a bit immature of him to do this. I don't think theres a need for him to hit back at the rumour-starters, he needs to except that these things, have and will continue to happen.
The entire publicity stunt was aimed at drawing attention to his new music video, but was there a need? History tells us that this video would still have gotten hundreads of millions of views without the help of a publicity stunt. Hes famous enough, only rising stars need to mess around with publicity stunts Bieber, it makes already extremely famous people look bad. How much more attention do you need?
On the whole, whats being said about him is positive. All one has to do is type in Bieber to Twitter and their page will be full of 'Beliebers' claiming their love for him and discusssing the things they love best about him. It was these people that made him what he is today, a global superstar.
I think he should be focusing on the love he gets rather than the hate.
But then again, he does often tweet about how grateful he is etc. Maybe he was right to address the rumour starters?
Now im just contradicting myself, i don't know what i think anymore!
All i can say is, this boy could tweet about breakfast cereal and his fans would still pay as much attention to it.
He is one loved 18 year old thats for sure.
Stay classy,
-Please comment below on your thought on Bieber's publicity stunt, and Bieber in general!
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I personally believe that Bieber only did it for his own entertainment, I know from personal experience that life as an international pop sensation can get boring sometimes :)
ReplyDeleteThank you for your feedback MaiMai :) Thats a valid point, i never considered the fact that maybe he was just bored!