Greetings earthlings,
For those of you that have been reading these posts for a while now you may remember my post 'Diet Coke Detox.' from February 2013. You can read it here if you don't.
That post did exactly what it said on the tin, it documented my detox from my addiction to Diet Coke. I was doing well, I had given up Diet Coke for two weeks, the cravings had subsided and the future looked bright. However, all good things must come to end.
Nearly two years later I have unfortunately returned with a similar post.
I relapsed. Before I knew it I was guzzling back the black stuff like it was going out of fashion.
My main reason for drinking it is for the caffeine. I don't drink tea or coffee so it's my primary source of caffeine, without which I would not make it through the day. Although caffeine is brilliant for perking you up midday or mid study session when you really need it, it's extremely addictive. How was I supposed to survive final year college whilst working most weekends without caffeine? Well it seems I couldn't. As I said, I was knocking it back without a care in the world.
I went to stay with family in Dublin a few months back and found myself in their Diet Coke free house gasping for some of the black stuff, it was then I realized I had to stop. If I couldn't enjoy a weekend away without it then it clearly had too much control over me. This sounds very dramatic but its the truth!
Unfortunately soft drinks are extremely bad for you, God knows if it was good for you my life would be a lot easier! Yes there are only 3 calories in a 500ml bottle of many of them which is appealing of course but the bad out ways the good. They are full of artificial sweeteners, including aspartame whose excessive consumption can lead to kidney cancer. among other horrific things. Needless to say, I do not fancy kidney cancer. As well as all that fun stuff the artificial sweeteners make you crave sweet things, which I definitely found to be true in my case. Thankfully I'm one of those oddballs that doesn't really like cake or pastries but I still found myself snacking on too many dairymilk ritz bars, a direct result of what my addiction to soft drinks was doing to me.
I'm lucky enough to be flying out to New York City on my 21st birthday at the end of May for my cousin's wedding. I don't fancy the thought of a 6 hour withdrawal flight before visiting America for the first time. (apart from Disneyland Florida when I was 16 months old but let's face it, I do not remember it, at all.) Nor do I enjoy the thought of trying to find my next fix of the black stuff instead of enjoying the view from the top of the Empire State building.
This my friends, is why I am currently halfway through my first week without diet coke. As I'm sure many of you are aware, lent began last Wednesday. I decided it was the perfect time to kick this habit once and for all. It has not been easy, at all. I have had very bad headaches as a result of the caffeine withdrawals which make it very tempting to reach for a bottle of the black stuff! I've been cranky and just generally, in a heap. However, this is where the willpower comes into it, I've had to whip out willpower I didn't know I had. I've been guzzling sparkling water to combat the fizz cravings which really helps and have also started drinking one cup of black coffee a day to get my caffeine fix.
Although this may seem very OTT for something like Diet Coke but an addiction is an addiction. I'm not out of the woods yet, I know from past experience that I still have a few more days to go before my body finally excepts the fact it's not getting anymore black stuff.
For those of you that have an addiction of any kind, be it soft drinks, cigarettes, alcohol or chips, giving them up is hard, but it can be done! (I hope.)
I'm currently sipping on a homemade smoothie looking forward to the day where I can drink it and enjoy it for what it is without being plagued by cravings. Hopefully that day is just around the corner! I'll keep ye updated on my progress, hopefully the thought of having to write another relapse post will be enough to stop me from guzzling!
Stay classy, and if you currently don't drink soft not start!!
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