Greetings earthlings,
Finals. Exams. Call them what you may, they all mean the same thing. They embody the fence that
separates us from Summer. The fence that is, in my case, oh so hard to climb.
Being in my final year of my degree, finals have never had such consequences for me. They are the one thing separating me from the rest of my life.
The worst thing about finals? One
is so close to freedom yet so far.
My biggest problem is tackling the job at hand. I have so many things I want to do and achieve once I graduate that I often waste time day dreaming about them. Day dreaming about these things is much more fun than college work. However I have somehow managed to stay on top of things(kind of).
However exciting the future may seem, my future career depends largely on me attaining my degree. With only two weeks separating me from the rest of my life it can be very hard to concentrate on the task in hand. Because of this, I worked out how to motivate myself and it's going well.
Using this self-reflection I have come up with a short list of tips, that may be useful for you or may be a waste of your time, only time will tell.
Even if you are not sitting exams, these tips can be used to work towards the goals you wish to achieve.
Whether it be with a cocktail or a Netflix binge, once your exams are over....celebrate! Reward yourself for your hard work and enjoy life :)
Thanks for stopping by, I hope you found it helpful. Good luck with whatever goal you may be trying to achieve :)
Stay classy,
separates us from Summer. The fence that is, in my case, oh so hard to climb.
Being in my final year of my degree, finals have never had such consequences for me. They are the one thing separating me from the rest of my life.
The worst thing about finals? One
is so close to freedom yet so far.
My biggest problem is tackling the job at hand. I have so many things I want to do and achieve once I graduate that I often waste time day dreaming about them. Day dreaming about these things is much more fun than college work. However I have somehow managed to stay on top of things(kind of).
However exciting the future may seem, my future career depends largely on me attaining my degree. With only two weeks separating me from the rest of my life it can be very hard to concentrate on the task in hand. Because of this, I worked out how to motivate myself and it's going well.
Using this self-reflection I have come up with a short list of tips, that may be useful for you or may be a waste of your time, only time will tell.
Even if you are not sitting exams, these tips can be used to work towards the goals you wish to achieve.
1. Make short, achievable to do lists.
I often find myself making overly optimistic to do lists and I end up doing nothing. If you make a short list, even of two tasks, you are far more likely to complete those tasks. Slow and steady wins the race.
2. Get enough sleep.
Yes I sound like a parent here but a good night's sleep is invaluable.
3. Give up the sauce.
If you, like me are partial to the odd night out on the drink, but put the drink on the back burner for a few weeks. Hangovers and study do not mix.
4. Take well deserved breaks.
Treat yourself, give yourself goals, whether it be an episode of Suits or a slice of Red Velvet cake, it's important that you maintain some kind of quality of life!
5. Keep Calm and Carry on.
As cheesy as this sounds it is so important. Stay calm. So many people panic and end up ruining things for themselves as a result of this. Finals are not the end of the world, so don't make them out to be. Have a quick 5 minute stress to yourself to get it out of your system then get back on the horse. You can't achieve what you want if you reside in a ball of panic.
6.Celebrate when it's over!
Most people have no problem with this one, I certainly don't! Whether it be with a cocktail or a Netflix binge, once your exams are over....celebrate! Reward yourself for your hard work and enjoy life :)
Thanks for stopping by, I hope you found it helpful. Good luck with whatever goal you may be trying to achieve :)
Stay classy,

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