Greetings earthlings,
I went to the cinema recently. I went to the cinema recently and came out wishing I hadn't gone to the cinema. Why? Because I saw Harmony Korine's latest movie Spring Breakers, or as James Franco's character Alien likes to call it 'Spurhaaang Buhraaaakers'.
I'm not going to lie, the only reason I went to see this movie is because Selena Gomez was in it. Seeing as I was 15 years old in 2009, all things Disney Channel related run deep in my veins. As cheesy a channel as it is, myself Miley, Selena and The Jonas Brothers go way too far back for me to ignore them now.
This movie was labelled Selena's 'breakout movie' in which she would shed her 'Disney good-girl' image once and for all. Irioncally, Selena ended up being the good girl in her group of friends in the movie. Although she did smoke joints and drink underage, her antics still didn't compare to those of the people around her.
So why did I not enjoy this movie? Quite frankly I think one would need to be high to enjoy this movie properly. Perhaps, that was the director(Harmony Korine)'s intention. God knows his repetoire would allow it.
Basically, I didn't enjoy the editing done on this movie at all. The chance from shot to shoty was extremely choppy and distracting. For the first 10 minutes or so my friend and I exchanged confused glances as if to say 'are you seeing what I'm seeing?'. Eventually we had discuss what was happening and we came to the conclusion 'it will probably cut to normal scenes soon?'. Alas, it did not. It stayed in trippy mode for the entire movie. Whilst we had the bravery to sit it out for its entirety, not everyone around us did. About half way through we saw a man in his 50's leave. Then, about 3/4 of the way through we saw a woman in her 30's leave. I only wish I had had their sense.
Not only was the editing and the portrayal of the movie itself offputting but the storyline was shocking. Fair enough, make a movie about a few college girls going crazy on Spring Break but at least make it light hearted and easy to watch. What I had to sit through was like The Da Vinci code of Spring Break movies. The ending really annoyed me. It was like someone had forgotten to type the second half of the script. There was no real climax to the movie it seemed to just be the one concept stretched out for an hour and a half.
The acting was grand. James Franco was too good if anything, I was certain his creepy character was following me home whispering 'Spurhaaang Buhraaakers' in my ear. Selena was good too in fairness, then again with a face like that she could have the script in her hand for the entire movie and no one would care. Dare I say it, I'm not even sure if Vanessa Hudgens was acting. Those of you who have seen the movie will know that this is not a compliment. The other two main girls were pretty bland and forgettable, hence me not being able to remember their names.
I'm sorry that this post has been so negative and hey maybe some of you really enjoyed the movie. If you did, I take my hat off to you! I also urge you to seek help for your drug use.
All in all, I would not advise you to go see this movie. Unless you enjoy looking at topless women, in which case go for it, you will not be disappointed..
And on that note, I'm off to watch Love Actually for the 45th time.
Stay classy,
Let's be twitter friends xx
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