Thursday, 4 April 2013

What if Facebook died tomorrow?

Greetings earthlings, 

Ever heard of a website called

Facebook has changed the world. It has over 1 billion users and it's creator Mark Zucerbeurg became the world's youngest billionaire at only 24. For many of us, its hard to imagine life without facebook. Right now, I have my trusty facebook tab going on my laptop. Its another world on facebook. We can now socialise from the comfort of our bedroom, regardless of the state of appearance. But the question is, is it really socializing? Are people really themselves or is it nothing more than a hub for alter egos and their photoshopped photos?

What do you think would happen in Facebook died tomorrow? The apocalypse? World War 3? Possible, but  the most likely answer is tears, lots of tears.

Tears from 13 year old girls whose lives no longer seem to have a purpose, tears from the guy who runs the 'Humans Of New York' facebook page and tears of joy from those of us who no longer have to socialize because the only point of a night out was for the facebook pictures. Wow that was a long sentence.

A visual representation of a teenager after  discovering that facebook is gone..

I often wonder how long facebook will last for, will we all still be using it in 10 years? I think the thing I would miss the most if facebook died tomorrow is the photos. Not the embarrassing nightclub ones(although I will be glad to have them in years to come when I look even worse) but the cute one of your cousin's baby or of your family in America. I'll miss people sharing their lives. What I won't miss is people over-sharing their lives. The phrase 'it's facebook not your diary' comes to mind.

Here's a weird thought: will we still be on facebook when our kids are? At the moment most of my friends have to block their parents on weird will it be if we have to block our kids?!

I at least hope facebook lasts for the rest of my college career. Considering thats only two years, I'm not worried.

Unsure whether you'd be upset if facebook died tomorrow? I guarantee you if deactivate your account for 24 hours you'll know pretty quickly how much you'd miss it!

I deactivated my facebook for a few days before my exams two years ago.....they were the longest few days of my life. I felt there was a hole in my life. Sad, but true. I found myself with so much spare time. An actual chance to be productive? Could it be? Alas, I was not productive. I spent my new-found spare time thinking of all the 'fun' everyone else was having on facebook while I was stuck at home, social network-less.
Talk about first world problems.

Comment below if you've ever deactivated your facebook, let me know if your experience was as bad as mine!

Stay classy

L xx

1 comment:

  1. I'm on FB everyday, can't live without it!!!
